Saturday, January 3, 2009

At the airport (EUG)

I am sitting on the floor of the Eugene airport waiting for the flight. It's surprisingly empty here-- even for Eugene, there aren't many people. Also, the airport gods ("They") are doing something weird with the layout of the seating; a whole side of the hallway from the cafe to the gates is boarded off. We got here at 10 for a 12:20 flight, because They told us to. It actually turned out semi-helpful, and if we were in an airport that wasn't the same size as our neighbor's mansion it would have been maybe even needed.

They think that Brian is a threat. It's amusing. His boarding passes are all printed with "SSSS" in the bottom, which means he is supposed to be frisked at security. He was patted down, his bag put though sniff testers, for about 10 minutes while the rest of us watched with bemused looks of worry.

I should write more, but they just called our flight.

1 comment:

  1. I like to think the "SSSS" stands for super secret special security.
