Saturday, January 3, 2009


Saturday, January 3, 8:29 PST

Our flight was delayed. The one to Fiji. THe five of us are sitting in the LAX international terminal, in a circle around a pole that has power plugs on it. It's like a shrine for our family of four laptops.

Being that LAX is not as civilized as EUG or PDX (Oregon is so much better, is it not?), I, as a passenger on an airplane, maybe even an important business person or politician, don't have internet access. So if I happened to be the new ambassador to the Federated States of Micronesia (West Wing reference, sorry) and needed to send an important email to the government telling them that I was delayed, I wouldn't be able to. I guess if I was that important I would have about five blackberries and three assistants flying with me with four blackberries each, but what if I wanted to play internet poker, or check my Twitter? Anyways, instead I'm typing into a text edit file on B's computer. I'll upload it in probably about a week.

As I said, our flight was, is, delayed. Instead of taking off 10:30 pm PST, it is scheduled to take off 12:30 PST. That means that we'll get to Fiji at 7:30 am Monday instead of 5:30. My parents are exhausted, which doesn't help, and it's hot here. I'm used to my 66-degree heated house with good air ventilation, not a 73-degree heated airport without windows that open. That always happens at airports, so I guess I should be used to it. I might as well, being that we're going to an island that will be 80 degrees with 98 percent humidity. It's fun being in the international terminal though, because every announcement they make they make is in about 6 languages. I can understand most of what they say on the loudspeakers in Spanish, but that may be to do with the fact that they're the same announcements that play in English every five minutes in domestic terminals. For your safety, blah de blah, security threat level orange, blah blah blah. Not too difficult vocabulary.

My mom's watching Alias, which I am very jealous of, but we only have one set of headphones. B and I will watch it after she's done. I am so addicted to that show. My aunt sent us a used version of the first season for Christmas, and ever since then I have been thinking about it non-stop.

Two people referred to me today as "him". Once asking "How old is he?" and another saying "sir, sir.." It was very funny. But, at the same time, refreshing. It's nice to escape the oppressive claustrophobic sense of femininity. I do have short hair (much shorter than last I saw anybody-- and more of a boy's cut), and am wearing a t-shirt (OBAMA!!!) and boy's trousers. Today was the first day ever that I remember anybody mistaking me for a boy, and then today twice.

Well, B is probably missing his computer by now, so I should probably stop. I wonder if next time I post, if I'm past the date line, the post date will say Monday or Sunday? Hm. Maybe it'll say Monday for me and Sunday for all you people back in time. I like that flying can be a sort of time machine, as we will experience 11 hours but be 32 hours ahead of when we departed.

Okay. I really am going to stop typing now.

11:37 I finally got internet, so am putting this up.

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