Friday, January 9, 2009

Still stuck, but internet.

D figured out how to hack into the hotel internet, so I can post these.

We're still stuck-- and the rain doesn't look like it will let up for weeks. We woke up this morning to loud thunder and bright lightening, and even more rain. Jai still took us in the tiny 4-wheel drive car this morning to try to get to Nadi. There was a new giant flood a little bit before where we turned around yesterday, and decided to wait until the tide went down to try to cross it. We waited three gruelingly wet and boring hours (it was pouring extremely hard and we didn't comfortably fit into the car. We have to sit on laps to just fit in there). We ended up turning around and going back, because we were afraid a new flood would form between us and the hotel and we'd be stuck. There were many new floods, but luckily none were too deep to get through.

I have no idea when we're going to get out of here. I feel so sorry for P. He's going to get the NZ and be all alone, even though M has set up some people to meet him at the airport and take care of him.

So many people are trying to help us, including people like the owner of the villa we were staying in earlier. It's crazy how little information we have about whats going on-- it makes it so stressful because we don't know if we should try to get to Nadi again, or if it's too dangerous. We've tried to put together small bits of info we have gotten, although that may not be very reliable.

Apparently, even though the roads flood every year, this is the most rain and flooding in at least 10 years. I hope we get out soon. I want to get to NZ.

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